Award-winning Gambian author and journalist based in Illinois. Currently working on my debut novel.

I’m an Illinois-based writer from The Gambia. I’ve been short-listed for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize and I’m a recipient of The Miles Morland Writing Scholarship for my in-progress novel, The Dictator’s Eidolon, for which I’m seeking representation.

About Me

  • Recipient of the 2022 Miles Morland Foundation Scholarship

  • Invited to the 2022 AKO Caine Prize for African Fiction Workshop

  • Shortlisted for 2020 Commonwealth Short Story Prize 





Creative Nonfiction

  • “of echo” What Tells You Ripeness: Black Poets on Nature, edited by Nikki Wallschlaeger, Pangyrus Print

  • “The River Gambia Speaks to the Wanderer” riverSedge #28 Print


Interviews and Podcasts